
Friday, November 30, 2012

Six ways to beat the winter blahs

It's winter in Hong Kong and that means rain, cold, grey skies, low light levels, high levels of pollution, colds and flus abounding and... well, you get the picture.  Then, the winter blahs settle in.  

Here are six things to do to beat the winter blahs in Hong Kong...

  1. Get outside!  Expose yourself to as much light as possible.  
  2. Wear lots of layers to keep the cold from entering your body.  When you wear layers it's easier to maintain a comfortable body temp.   And wear something around your neck.  
  3. Make your own sunshine.  Go to the mall.  Take your book or your computer for a spell at the coffee shop.  
  4. Visit the islands off Hong Kong Island...Lamma, Cheung Chau, Peng Chau. 
  5. Use essential oils to help beat the colds and flus.  I use Oregano, a blend from Doterra, called On-Guard, Breathe, (Doterra), and Eucalyptus.  I mix two drops of each with coconut oil and rub it into my feet.  It can't hurt you.  It will only do you good. 
  6.  Diffuse essential oils in your home, like Wild Orange from Doterra, or another Doterra blend, Elevation, to help boost your mood and drive away the winter blues.  To learn more about Doterra Essential Oils click here.
 I'm sure you can think of many other things to do to help get rid of those winter blahs, blues, whatever you want to call them.  

Here are some more suggestions:

  • Start a new hobby
  • Teach yourself a new skill
  • Take a trip, follow the sunshine!
  • Enter the world of Pinterest, you'll never need to buy another magazine again.
  • Start a DIY project; sewing, painting, crafting, scrapbooking, knitting, remodeling
  • Spend time with your friends.  I know this one is difficult in our busy lifestyle, but it's important to maintain ties with friends and family.
  • Join a fitness club.  Exercising is good for boosting your endorphins.    
And one final thing:

  • Visit the Flower Market in Mong Kok East.  It's THE best cure for the winter blahs that I know of.  Surrounded by all that color and life, how can you be blue?  It just makes me happy to be able to look at all that wonderful color.  Why not add some color to your homeThere are lots of plants to choose from.  Geraniums, Gloxzinias, African Violets, Hydrangeas, and since it's Christmas time there are Poinsettias galore.  And it's THE place for Orchids.  If you've never been there, put it on your list of must do things this winter!

Fa Yuen Market, (Flower Market)
If you have any more ideas about how to beat the winter blahs, I'd be happy to hear them.  Please leave your comments below.


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